What Is Your Scope of Thinking?


It’s not a revelation for the larger part of the readers here that our thoughts shape up our actions. How affirmative, intense and clearly defined your thoughts are determine the impact your actions will produce. Apart from the intensity of your thoughts, what directs the course of your practical action is the composition of your thought processes.

But the interesting irony here is that your thoughts, as powerful as they are, are quite fragile in their formation. Being quite susceptible to external influences, your mind will become whatever it is exposed to over a certain period of time.

The height to which your thoughts would ascend is also something that is a resulting outcome of your learning resources.


This brings us to a point of consideration of the moment: What is your scope of thinking? To what length does your imaginative thought find itself stretching out? Who do you let affect your thought formation and guide its future path?

All these questions carry huge weight and are of grave importance for every one of us, especially when it comes to the matter of what you set out to do in life. Let me illustrate the idea now.

Point Elaborated Through a Simple Example:

Keep in mind that there are hundreds of resources through which you find yourself learning, consciously and subconsciously. The most important and inevitable of all is your own home. As you grow up, you learn everything from your surroundings, the majority of which happens to be your immediate family. You pass through your childhood, adolescence and enter into your adulthood shaping your life perspectives around the elements that you have gathered so far from your family.

Extend the above example to other external influences, for example, your social circle (other resources could be relatives, close friends, people at school), the society that you live in, the country that you are a citizen of, etc. What needs to be emphasized here, and what you fail to realize now, is that your scope of thinking is limited to the resources that you have learnt from all these years. For instance, ask yourself this question: how many of my current beliefs and opinions are different from the immediate social circle that I am involved in or the immediate society that I am a part of?

See, you, right now, are a reflection of your scope of thinking that is influenced by all these elements.

In our naivety, we tend to get so fixated on our own way of thinking that everything else seems false and unsubstantial to us. We forget that it’s only because we have spent a certain amount of time in an ecosystem that our line of thought has molded into its present form. Slowly but surely, though, we unknowingly shut every other gateway to our mind that would have otherwise sucked in new information and, possibly, would have let it update our perspectives with the progression of time.

Let me reiterate here:

Everyone’s scope of thinking is limited to the learning resources one has exposed his mind to. If you wish to bring any level of change related to any aspect of your life, you have to shake things up a bit. It starts with expanding your avenues of learning which will, consequently, broaden your scope of thinking and eventually, strengthen your actions.


It has to be understood here that no learning resource is bad itself. It’s only when you limit yourself to only a few ones that you become stagnant. Getting to meet new people, reading new books, browsing varying topics on the internet, all lead to the refreshment of your mind. Remember though, there is nothing absolute in this world (apart from a few generalized principles). You have to keep introducing yourself to different learning avenues to save yourself from the misery of being obsolete.

Thanks to the era of technology that we are passing through, the walls that kept blocking people’s scopes of thinking in the past have now fallen down. You can now find yourself in an entirely different life perspective by getting rid of obsession with your prevalent thinking, exploring new resources of learning (as access to almost every kind of information can’t get any easier) and by applying the rational perspective on the inflow of all the new information to purify your thought.

Let’s now take a look at 3 key takeaways from the whole read.

Three Pearls To Steal Away:

  • First, change the perspective through which you view life. Get rid of obsessing over your present opinions and beliefs as if they are holy truth. Get comfortable with introduction of new ideas into your life. Think of it as some sweet refreshment for your brain.
  • Secondly, go beyond your immediate social circles in pursuit of learning, seeking ultimate thought refinement. The process of this refinement, though you should realize, is never ending.
  • Lastly, map your life actions practically according to these newfound ideas. Knowledge left unapplied equals having no knowledge at all.

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